Our first gathering for Ueshiba
Aikido, Victoria.
This was a small demonstration and potluck to celebrate two
years of aikido in the Gordon Head area.
We also wanted to express appreciation to all the students
and their parents
for their support and interest in Aikido.
A grateful
thanks to you for two years of marvelous aikido
and for a wonderful turnout to our year-end celebration. |
The demonstration
began with a brief introduction, ... |
... and a video presentation that honoured our first classes,
and featured my sensei, George Chang Shihan.
Sensei continued with a brief explanation
of Aikido principles and some basic techniques,
along with possible daily applications.
The demonsration
portion of the evening began with
the children from beginners to 8 kyu blue belt. |
A demonstration
by members of the adult classes followed. |
The Potluck
to your generous contribution of sumptuous food. |
was definitely a fare of
international cuisine. |
Families and students had the opportunity
to mingle
and to get to know one another. |
A growing
family of aikidoists... |
big thank you for your interest in Aikido.
It is
a pleasure training and taking this Aikido journey with you.