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e-Newsletter: ISSN 1712-235X
Spring 2024
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Dear parents and students,

My apologies for this late Spring e-Newsletter.

We are currently on the last cycle of the present September - June 2024 academic year. I am sure that those nearing the end of their school year are anticipating the next phase of their life; perhaps embarking on graduate or post-graduate studies. Others may feel the beginnings of another chapter of life, whether imposed or by choice.

UAV 20th Anniversary

Looking back at 20 years of Aikido practice at Gordon Head Recreation Centre, it has been a most gracious and blessed time, with so many things and so many people to be thankful for; who have been blessings and angels to my family and I. Ordinarily, this would be the class cycle that would be bustling with activity as we prepare for the year-end Aikido Demonstration and Potluck to tie up the year. It was the event of each year that brought students, young and old, from all our classes to gather as an Aikido family to celebrate the end of another school year. With 12 classes per week at our peak, the gatherings were large, and the food was delicious and varied. Our last potluck and demonstration was in 2019. So many fond memories of all our children (ours included) growing up together through years of Aikido practice and progress. My family and I continue to be grateful to everyone who currently practices with us. Thank you for your interest in Aikido.

This July, for summer, we will offer our usual Tuesday and Thursday classes with a difference. As we will be travelling in August, the classes scheduled for July will be for two classes per week: Tuesdays and Thursdays. To add a slight variation to the classes, the focus will be on our weapons, the jo and bokken.

Also in the summer, as usual, we have the Aikido Warriors' Camp scheduled - this time from Monday, 22 July to Friday, 26 July. In case you have not registered your child(ren) for the camp, please note that it is almost full. For each day of the camp, please come dressed with (long) gym pants, with bottled water, a snack, lunch, and jogging shoes for the morning's program. There will be forms to fill from Saanich, so please ensure all the forms are completed and submitted. Signing your child(ren) in and out of the camp will be mandatory. If you are going to arrange for someone other than yourself (parents) to pick your child(ren), then please personally introduce them to us. In previous years, Saanich required ID cards to be shown as well. While I am not sure what the policy will be, this year (yet), please be prepared to show some form of identification.

Here is the schedule for the Spring and Summer Cycles of 2024.

5 pm : (# 108213) Youth Mixed Levels - April 30 to June 11, 2024
6 pm : (# 108212) Adult Mixed Levels - April 30 to June 11, 2024

5 pm : (# 108215) Youth Mixed Levels - May 2 to June 13, 2024
6 pm : (# 108214) Adult Mixed Levels - May 2 to June 13, 2024


SUMMER Cycle - Tuesday AND Thursdays:
5 pm : (# 119416) Youth Mixed Levels - July 9 to August 1, 2024
6 pm : (# 119415) Adult Mixed Levels - July 9 to August 1, 2024

Aikido Warriors' Camp (8-16 yrs)
9 am to 3 pm - Mon July 22 to Fri July 26, 2024 (3 spaces left)

Please click here to register.
Do look over the e-Reflections for some thoughts and observations that I have shared over the years that may help you with your Aikido practice. Feel free to email any questions you may have.

It is amazing how 20 years have passed us by. So many families, and so many good memories.
Thank you for 20 years of Aikido practice at Gordon Head Recreation Centre!

With gratitude and blessings,
Rafael Oei Sensei
Ueshiba Aikido Victoria
© Ueshiba Aikido Victoria: May/June 2024




Founder of Aikido
Morihei Ueshiba
O Sensei

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Ueshiba Aikido · Victoria · British Columbia · Canada
Rafael Oei Sensei . Voice: 250-818-0284

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