Ueshiba Aikido Website
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All Rights Reserved
e-Newsletter: ISSN 1712-235X
Winter 2024
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Dear parents and students,

Here we are, into another winter, and the end of another year.
Congratulations to the students who had their test in November. The next grading tests will be conducted in February 2025. Keep up the good work.

As we say 'goodbye' to another year, thank you so much for the year of practice. Your presence, support, and enthusiasm fuels the existence of our dojo. As usual, it was a most invigorating, enriching, and inspiring year of practice. I learnt so much from sharing Aikido with you, your questions, your responses, and watching you practice. It was a quiet 20 year milestone for Ueshiba Aikido in Victoria. I had time time to reflect, reminisce, and cherish the memories of our classes together over the years; the workshops, and all the students and families who have come and gone. Thank you for them all.

Please note a slight difference in the class schedules from January 2025. It was an attempt to organise the class-cycles around the little vacation I will be taking for the first time during Spring Break. We have always offered classes through Spring Break these past 20 years. This time, my wife and I will be taking a short, little, over two-week break to visit family in Singapore; and for me to perhaps visit my sensei and some of my old students, too.

Note, also, that there will not be classes during "Holy Week" from April 14 to 18; covering Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday. Classes will resume after Easter Sunday, on Tuesday, April 22nd.

Here is the schedule for the Winter and Spring Cycles of 2025.

Winter Cycle I
Tue: 7 Jan to 28 Jan / 4 classes
(127249) 5 pm - Mixed Youth Levels: 4 classes / $46
(127245) 6 pm - Mixed Adult Levels: 4 classes /  $50

Thu: 9 Jan to 30 Jan / 4 classes
(127251) 5 pm - Mixed Youth Levels: 4 classes / $46
(127247) 6 pm - Mixed Adult Levels: 4 classes /  $50

Winter Cycle II   
Tue: 4 Feb to 4 Mar / 5 classes
(127250) 5 pm - Mixed Youth Levels: 5 classes / $58
(127246) 6 pm - Mixed Adult Levels: 5 classes /  $63

Thu: 6 Feb to 6 Mar / 5 classes
(127252) 5 pm - Mixed Youth Levels: 5 classes / $58
(127248) 6 pm - Mixed Adult Levels: 5 classes /  $63

Spring Cycle I 
Tue: 1 Apr to 29 Apr / 4 classes (No classes between 14 Apr and 18 Apr)
(127910) 5 pm - Mixed Youth Levels: 4 classes / $46
(127905) 6 pm - Mixed Adult Levels: 4 classes /  $50

Thu: 3 Apr to 1 May / 4 classes
(127912) 5 pm - Mixed Youth Levels: 4 classes / $46
(127908) 6 pm - Mixed Adult Levels: 4 classes /  $50

Spring Cycle II
Tue: 6 May to 10 Jun / 6 classes
(127911) 5 pm - Mixed Youth Levels: 6 classes / $69
(127907) 6 pm - Mixed Adult Levels: 6 classes /  $75

Thu: 8 May to 12 Jun / 6 classes
(127913) 5 pm - Mixed Youth Levels: 6 classes / $69
(127909) 6 pm - Mixed Adult Levels: 6 classes /  $75

Please click here to register.
Click here for the 2024/2025 Class Calendar

To supplement what I share in the dojo, you can read some of my thoughts on Aikido practice in the e-Reflections. Although I haven't added much over the past few years, what is there is still worth reflecting on. Feel free to forward any questions you may have, or if you need any clarification.

Once again, heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all our students, parents, and families, for keeping Ueshiba Aikido alive in Victoria these past 20 years. Thank you for your patience, understanding, kindness, generosity, time, and interest in the fine and peaceful way of Aiki: Aikido.

Have a most meaningful, blessed, and glorious Christmas, and a healthy, joyful, and prosperous New Year!

With gratitude and blessings,
Yours in Aiki,
Rafael Oei Sensei

Ueshiba Aikido Victoria
© Ueshiba Aikido Victoria: December 2024 - March 2025




Founder of Aikido
Morihei Ueshiba
O Sensei

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