Rafael Oei Sensei
Rafael Sensei (6th Dan Aikikai Hombu Dojo) is a Sensei with the former Ueshiba Aikido Association, Singapore. His yudansha gradings were conducted at Aikikai Hombu Dojo, Japan.
A student of George Chang Shihan, Rafael Sensei was the past General Secretary (1993 - 2002) of the Ueshiba Aikido Association, a member of the UAA Examination Board, and assistant and Uke for Chief Instructor, Chang Shihan for more than 15 years.
Chang Shihan was a student of Fukakusa Shihan, Takezawa Shihan, and the late Osawa Shihan, Masuda Shihan, and Tamura Shihan.
Dojos under Rafael Sensei's instruction in Singapore were the:
Singapore Broadcasting Corporation Aikido Club
Nanyang Polytechnic Aikido Club
Ngee Ann Polytechnic Aikido Club
Rafael Sensei was also the instructor for the children's (under 7yrs) class. He has participated in the All Japan Aikido Demonstration in 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2008, and 2014. He is the author of Let me tell you about my Aikido Class published by Times Media, Singapore. A broadcaster for 13 years and academic for 7years, Rafael Sensei holds a doctorate in social sciences in communication and media studies. Dr. Oei authored Borderless Bandwidth: DNA of Digital Radio (2002), Riding the Bandwidth: Producing for Digital Radio (2005), and the world's first book of Aikido for early readers, Let Me Tell You About My Aikido Class (2003). In 2005, he published Basic Steps to Aikido: Flowing Stillness under his imprint Inspired Dreams as a guide for his students.